Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Merry Christmas from Azerbaijan!

Hello everyone!
I just want you all to know how thankful I am for all of you! Your phone calls, emails, blog comments, texts and letters keep me going here, especially during the holidays. So I hope you can all feel the love and best wishes I am sending your way for Christmas and New Years! And, obviously, I hope Santa brings you all that you asked for. So eat lots of food for me and think of me when you read "The Night Before Christmas!"

As for things in my new home, I am learning my way around here one day at a time with the help of the AZ6's and the other AZ7'z around me. This past weekend a few of us explored Ganja, the biggest city next to us. We found a lot of good places to eat, an old Russian Orthadox church, a carnival, a zoo, and santa. In Azerbaijan New Years Decorations some what resemble American Christmas decorations.

One of Santa's reindeer got lost in the Ganja Zoo.
I'll be spending Christmas Eve and Christmas day in Tovuz with most of the other PCV's around this area. New Year's we will all be in Baku together and after the New Year Holiday I will start actually teaching at my school. I'll let you know how things go. Merry Christmas, Happy New Year. I miss you and love you all.