Sunday, August 22, 2010

You're G.L.O.Wing my mind!!!!!!!

The last week of July we held G.L.O.W. (Girls Leading Our World) for 50 Azeri girls from all over Azerbaijan! It was honestly the best week of my time here. I spent a good 6 months (along with some other dedicated PCVs :)) getting this camp together and it all played out it 6 days. But I really feel like I did something good for these girls. For most of these girls, that one week at GLOW will be the best time of their life. I brought two girls from Qazax. I have so many pictures but I'm not going to do another post like my fam's visit so I hope you can get the awesomeness out of these few pictures!
We started every morning with some sort of morning exercise. This morning was yoga.
Everyday there we had two sessions on something like leadership, being active, role models, gender issues and so on. This day we on teamwork and creativity. The girls had to make spaceships to protect them from aliens. One group of girls actually made a machine to turn the aliens into their friends! Break my heart :)

We did tie-dye thanks to a lot of you!!!!
Talent show!!! The PCV councilors, to set the mood, dressed up as the Spice Girls. We got ready before dinner and refused to answer to our regular names and to not talk in a British accent until after the talent show. The girls, although maybe they didn't really understand, thought we were HILARIOUS! I was Ginger Spice!

We put on a play, "The Three Little Sheep," close to the "Three Little Pigs," but culturally sensitive.
Self-defense....I let Shalala punch me in the face so she could get the full effect ;)
Dance off! I know that if Amanda and I weren't councilors we would have won.
Teamwork exercise.
Klub Glow!!!! The dance was the girls favorite night of GLOW.
The last night we had a camp fire and roasted marshmellows, thanks to a lot of you. Most of the girls at never had a s'more before.

We gave all the girls certificates for completing GLOW.
The ride home, all the Ganja, Shemkir, Tovuz and Qazax girls, sad to be leaving GLOW, but we have made plans to see each other and try to teach what was taught at GLOW to girls not able to go. GLOW was awesome! Thats all I have to say :)